
At Politics For Teens, we firmly believe in the power of young voices. By cultivating a generation that is politically aware, informed, and active, we aim to shape a brighter future for all. Explore our core initiatives designed to foster meaningful engagement among the youth.

Democracy is Discourse HS Chapters

The power of discourse lies at the heart of every democracy. With our High School Chapters, we enable students across the globe to create spaces of learning and debate right within their schools. These chapters host curricular events, teaching peers about crucial political topics and current affairs.

Global Reach

 Chapters have expanded worldwide, promoting discourse and understanding across borders


Empowering students to lead, teach, and inspire their peers

Learn More Here

PFT Leadership Panels

Connecting the present leadership with future leaders, our PFT Leadership Panels are a bridge between local politicians and the youth. By engaging in direct dialogue, young individuals gain insights into community matters and are inspired to make a positive difference.

Key Highlights

– Direct Interaction: Opportunity for the youth to converse with local leaders.
– Community Engagement: Encourages students to get actively involved in their community’s growth and well-being.

Political Forums

Our Political Forums serve as a platform for state and national politicians to connect with their constituents, especially the youth. These forums shed light on the roles, responsibilities, and visions of these politicians, ensuring an informed and engaged electorate.

Key Highlights

Open Dialogue: Attendees, including the youth, can ask questions and get direct answers.
Informed Decisions: Understanding the political landscape and the individuals shaping it.


We believe in tapping into the competitive spirit to kindle political interest. Our competitions, designed primarily for the youth, challenge participants to delve deep into political subjects, research, and present their findings, fostering a deeper understanding of the political arena.

Key Highlights

– Showcasing Talent: Opportunities for young individuals to express their views creatively.
– Innovative Formats: Events like video-speech competitions, allowing participants to utilize modern tools to voice their perspectives.
